⋆. Joltrify .⋆

Just an Alien 💫


Other Metro Destinations ↴


Yo! Welcome to my Crib 😎

It's ya boy

★ Hello there! Pleasure to meet you.
☆ I draw sometimes - Not always very good, but I try!
★ I'm a fan of things robot, retro, vintage, or just plain spacey (Bonus points if it's 4!)
☆ Other than trying to not be discovered by the government, I'm just trying to improve my work and chill
★ I do post things with bright colors or dark themes sometimes, so if that's not your jam, you might not like it here
☆ Other than that, I hope to see you around~ ✨

District 022460 - Tools of Trade

Tablet: XP-PEN Artist12
Drawing/Animation Software: Medibang Paint pro, FireAlpaca, and Opentoonz
Video Software: After Effects 2019 and OBS Studio

District 36006 -
Questions that nobody asked


Where does your username come from?- Jolt + electrify! I've found that a lot of people pronounce it "Jolt-ri-fee", but no- It's pronounced "Jolt-ri-fai".
Why'd you change your tagline from 'Just an Alien trying to fit in'/'Just an Alien tryna be Funky' to 'Just an Alien'?- I don't see myself as much of anything else anymore - I'm still trying to improve where I can, but both titles sound a bit silly now, I think. I'm very tired.
What happened to your old persona/ Accounts?- We don't talk about it. I'm sure if you dig through the internet you'll find one of them. ;)

Art / Origins

How long does it take for you to get a piece done?- Depends. Aside from me getting up every 2 seconds to do something, it takes me around 2-4 hours- sometimes more, sometimes less. I tend to spread out the process over a couple of days- one day I'll do the sketch/ Lineart, the next I'll do... everything else. I like having that gap in-between the process so that I can fix things that look a bit wonky.
How long have you been drawing?- As of February 2021, only about 5 years.
Why does your style sometimes look...different?- There's a clone of me with a Gun pointed at my head 24/7. If I don't improve, I know for a FACT that I would not Hesitate to pull the trigger.
What's your Favorite thing to draw?- Legs , Torso, hands... anything that isn't arms! As for painting- Lips, eyes, or anything glow-y that has a "BANG!", you know? Really dirty/muggy things can occasionally be my strong suit.
Least Favorite?- Arms, just in general. I can never get them right... Perspective drawings are difficult too ;m;
Will you introduce your Ocs? What's their backstory?- Yes..? I have their world mostly planned out- Still got a lot of work to do, but the groundwork is secure! You can see snippets of them in my socials, but even designs are not concrete yet. I'll delve into them more one day.
Where can I see your work?- I post most, if not all my work on tumblr!
Will you post your animations?-Soon. I'm still very, VERY rusty.
Why did you start drawing?- When I was younger, I loved Ben 10, Transformers, and Pokémon, and I really wanted to make fanart for them! Every Ben 10 series holds a place dear in my heart, and Every Transformers comic I've read has done the same. I wouldn't be who I am without them.
Favorite Ben 10 Alien?- From the originals, I really like Heatblast, XLR8, and Diamondhead! In Alien Force, Big Chill and Water Hazard, and in Omniverse, Feedback- 100%. (Wildmutt, WayBig, Ditto, and Echo Echo are honorable mentions~)
Favorite Transformers Comic/ Character?I was obsessed with MTMTE and Lost Light, as well as the IDW Windblade comics- I remember the art being so gorgeous in every panel, and I really want to reread them again someday! My favorite characters? Soundwave, Perceptor, Brainstorm and Drift are up there, no doubt... But I also really had a thing for IDW Blurr... (Hardcore Tf fans will shame me for this but like... HAVE YOU SEEN HIM??)


☆ What's your current Art Status?- Commissions- Closed (But if I open them, I'll link a resource here and in the corner store.)
- Art trades/Collabs - Mostly open to mutuals, but I may change my mind depending on circumstance
- Requests - Sometimes (?) I cannot guarantee I'll do your request, but If I have the time or it catches my eye, for sure :)

☆ May I Use your work?I'm flattered you would want to! However...
- Repost on an art account
- Use a piece for an edit (once again, very flattered!)
- Use a piece as reference (only for composition- I'd very much prefer that you not copy any characters/designs if it is not fanart.)
-- > You don't have to ask- let alone credit- for phone/desktop wallpapers, but i would be very happy to know who's whack enough to use my art for it lol

Well well well... It looks like we've got a detective on our hands.
While I would compliment you on your success, this is a very sketchy area. You never know what might be lurking around the corner...*

Are you really an alien?- Good question.*
What Planet Are you from?- Wow, Another great question!*
What's it like in space?- I have a terrible memory so I can't recall much, and I know that some may experience space differently, but I remember it being cold. I hate the cold.*
Are you a heater, or do you have cold bones?- Sadly, I have very cold bones. This can be useful in warmer weather, and it's usually easier to take care of them being warm all the time, but I still dislike the cold.
Favorite Planet?- In the milky way, It would have to be Neptune! I remember choosing to do a report on it when I was in 3rd grade, and I fell in love with it ever since. How ironic, considering it's the coldest planet.
Do... do you prefer the heat over the cold?No, actually.
What's the best time of day?- I love Dusk and Dawn- they're my favorite times do to their muggy/mysterious nature, and they're really nice to both work and relax. Golden hours, the time before/after those are lovely too.
Early Bird or Night Owl?- Both. I wake up at 4:30 during weekdays- not because I have to, I just want to. That's when I seem to get the most stuff done anyways. As of late, I've been prone to sleeping in though...
Coffee or Tea?- Most certainly Tea! I deeply apologize to those who do like coffee, but it just isn't for me- I don't find the taste to be in my favor (even with sugar/crème).
Favorite Earth Season?- Early Summer + Late Summer and Early to Mid Fall
Colors?- Once again, I really like Summer n Fall colors! As you've probably noticed, there's a constant theme of Orange and Blue in my... everything. More specifically, I like Aquamarine and Peach/Orange Crème in just about any saturation~ (Another instance of Irony, since I used to LOATHE the color orange.)
Fruits?- Peaches! I also like oranges, mangoes, blackberries, blueberries... My entire life surrounds this orange and blue theme istg- (although cucumbers are also very very good and definitely one of my favorites)
Foods in general?- Ahh, that's hard.. I like lots of food... LOTS of food... probably a dish from my home country.
Penguin of Madagascar?I love all of them, but Kowalski takes the cake. It's honestly hard to decide who would be in second place.
What's your MBTI/ Enneagram?As stupid and enthusiastic as I may sound, I have concluded that I am an INTP (after wasting much time on researching it). For Enneagram, I am a 9w1 (tritype 954- 9w1, 5w4, 4w3, if you're into that). I really don't like thinking about this kind of stuff though- personalities vary and are very versatile, self diagnosis isn't very reliable, and aside from the very strange time I was keen on learning about these subjects, I try not to think about it too much. (At least... I try not to care about them ;m;) I remember someone stating that MBTI explains how you think, and Ennagram explains why you think that way- and I feel that's a reasonable conclusion to come to.
What other hobbies do you have?- I'm pretty basic, but I like to read/ write (especially the latter), crochet, knit, cook, bake, do origami(?), (learning how to) play piano, roller-skate, and go on walks! I wish I had the time to do everything more frequently...
Do you prefer Knitting or Crocheting?- Funny thing- I learned crocheting before I learned knitting, but the first actual thing I made (a very loose looped scarf that I still have to this day) was knitted! I made it when I was around 8, and since it was the first thing that I found successful, I decided that I liked knitting better. Recently though I read an article that knitting actually takes longer than crocheting- and although I didn't want to believe it, all of a sudden knitting felt so much more tiring than crocheting. ANYWAY- I like both- but while knitting hits closer to home, it can be more tiring than crocheting ;w;
What's the most beloved thing you've Knitted/crocheted?- I made @nine's monsters concept of Jonathan's toy into a reality- and I love them sooo much- they're too cute!! I also made a cardigan to go with it- the first one I've ever made :3 (well, I actually made the Cardigan before I made the Star- but ehhh that doesn't mattterrrr)
How the hell do you pronounce Asaunnei's name?- Aw- Saw- nee, lol! He's named after one of my distant "relatives".
Why are the different districts on here numbers?- CMYK - You'll figure it out. ;)
Can I DM You?- Go for it - but know that I do not respond quickly, and I do not tend to linger on this plane of existence for long. If I seem to ignore your message, don't take it personally; I just have a hard time figuring out what to say. It takes a very specific type of person to have an ongoing and frequent conversation with me.
Can I chat with you about ____?- Sure! HOWEVER, that chat may not be a long one- if it's about something I don't want to talk about, well- I may just tell you that I don't want to talk about it. I want to reiterate: I am bad at informal conversations online, so If I do not respond, please do not take it personally. I'm probably just tired.
Is there another mystery I perhaps have yet to solve?- Hmm. Possibly. Try messing around a bit - I'm sure you'll find something.

*I hope you enjoy this silly ongoing bit, haha. I should probably get out of this alleyway now. Night Night.

Corner Store

Oh! Um... I hate to tell you this, but we're currently closed! Renovations and stuff... You know how it is.

"However, Since you're here...
Legend has it that there's a secret 5th section in the City district revealing answers to more questions.
The area is a bit sketchy, and the questions are quite bizarre... You have to do a bit of "editing" to the current location to get there.
I wouldn't know if that's true or not though-
I'm just a humble architect."